Psychosynthesis is a psychospiritual psychology developed by Roberto Assagioli in Italy during the 20th century. Drawing on the work of Freud and Jung in psychoanalysis, Assagioli expanded the concept of the human being to include an inate spiritual or ‘superconscious’ aspect.
With the concept of the unconscious well known in psychoanalysis, Assagioli identified what he termed the superconscious aspect of the psyche– the innate psychologically healthy part – which acts as a pull or a call towards greater health and wholeness. Repression of the superconscious is known as ‘suppression of the sublime,’ which can lead to difficulties and disturbances if it remains unintegrated.
The term sublime in its broadest sense covers all of man’s impulses, to become something more, better, greater than he is. It also refers to the true, the good, the beautiful and the tendency to community, brotherliness, and caring.
In a Psychosynthetic context, difficulties in life are not simply seen as problems that need to be solved but as stirrings at a deeper level of Self, calling you to become the person who you are born to be. In this context symptoms exist for a purpose, pointing towards deeper suffering which is calling for attention and understanding. Suffering is difficult to bear yet it is often through being with what is unbearable that something new can emerge. Facing and working through inner difficulties offers the potential for growth and healing. Psychosynthesis is a gentle and profound therapy, holding a context of hope within human suffering.
With reconnection to your deeper values, meaning and life purpose, freer from the limitations of the past, there arises the possibility for change, hope and greater wholeness.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us – Marianne Williamson